

The Weekly Challenge 115

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array of strings. Write a script to find out if the given strings can be chained to form a circle. Print 1 if found otherwise 0. A string $S can be put before another string $T in circle if the last character of $S is same as first character of $T.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Graph;
use Graph::Easy::Parser;

sub build_graph{
    my @words;
    my %first_letter_name;
    my $graph = new Graph();
    while(my $s = ){
        my $first_letter = substr($s, 0, 1);
            push @{$first_letter_name{$first_letter}}, $s;
            $first_letter_name{$first_letter} = [$s];
        push @words, $s;
    for my $word (@words){
        $graph->add_vertex($word) if !$graph->has_vertex($word);
        my $child_nodes = $first_letter_name{substr($word, -1)};
        for my $n (@{$child_nodes}){
            $graph->add_vertex($n) if !$graph->has_vertex($n);
            $graph->add_weighted_edge($word, $n, (-1 * length($n))) if !$graph->has_edge($word, $n);
            $graph->delete_edge($word, $n) if $graph->has_a_cycle();
    return $graph;

sub display_graph{
    my($graph) = @_;
    my $s = $graph->stringify();
    my @s = split(/,/, $s);
    my @lines;
    for my $n (@s){
        my @a = split(/-/, $n);
        push @lines, "[ $a[0] ] => [ ]" if @a == 1;
        push @lines, "[ $a[0] ] => [ $a[1] ]" if @a > 1;
    my $parser = new Graph::Easy::Parser();
    my $graph_viz = $parser->from_text(join("", @lines));
    print $graph_viz->as_ascii();

    my $graph = build_graph();
    my @cc = $graph->weakly_connected_components();
    print "1\n" if @cc == 1;
    print "0\n" if @cc != 1;


Sample Run

$ perl perl/ch-1.pl
+----+     +-----+
| ab | ==> | bea |
+----+     +-----+
| cd | ==>
$ perl perl/ch-1.pl
+-----+     +-----+     +----+
| dea | ==> | abc | ==> | cd |
+-----+     +-----+     +----+


Task #1 is very similar to the Pokemon Name Ladder task from Challenge 025. This task is actually a part of that previous challenge in that here we do not need to compute the longest possible chain of strings; we just need to confirm that the chain exists.

The approach here is:

The function used to determine the number of connected components is weakly_connected_components(). This is because the chain is constructed as a directed graph and the idea of a connected component is defined for undirected graphs. Weakly connected components are determined by whether or not the nodes are connected if we ignore the direction of the edges. This is what we want for our use case here, as opposed to strongly connected components. To determine strongly connected components we would need bi-directional edges for each link in the chain. No need to overcomplicate this with extra edges...the desired result is obtained just fine as is!

In the example output the first run shows two connected components, therefor no chain exists. In the second output the chain is shown, there is one connected component.

Part 2

You are given a list of positive integers (0-9), single digit. Write a script to find the largest multiple of 2 that can be formed from the list.


use strict;
use warnings;
sub largest_multiple_2{
    my @numbers = @_;
    return unless grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } @numbers;
    my @sorted = sort {$b <=> $a} @numbers;
    if(@sorted >= 2){
        my $ultima = @sorted[@sorted - 1];
        if($ultima % 2 != 0){
            my $swap_index = -1;
            for(my $i = @sorted - 2; $i >= 0; $i--){
                $swap_index = $i if $sorted[$i] % 2 == 0;
                last if $swap_index > 0;
            $sorted[@sorted - 1] = $sorted[$swap_index];
            $sorted[$swap_index] = $ultima;
    return join("", @sorted);

    my @N;
    @N = (1, 0, 2, 6);
    print largest_multiple_2(@N) . "\n";
    @N = (1, 4, 2, 8);
    print largest_multiple_2(@N) . "\n";
    @N = (4, 1, 7, 6);
    print largest_multiple_2(@N) . "\n";

Sample Run

$ perl perl/ch-2.pl


Suppose we did not have the "multiple of 2" restriction and instead had to arrange a list of numbers to have maximal value when concatenated together. The solution, then, would be to sort the numbers in descending order and concatenate the digits in this sorted order.

Here we can still use that same logic but more care is needed.

First, let's remind ourselves that we can check to see if any number is a multiple of 2 by checking if it's rightmost digit is a multiple of 2 (including 0).


Challenge 115

Pokemon Name Ladder

Weakly Connected Component

posted at: 23:34 by: Adam Russell | path: /perl | permanent link to this entry