

First Uniquely Trimmed Index

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given a string, $s. Write a script to find out the first unique character in the given string and print its index (0-based).


use v5.36;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub index_first_unique{
    my($s) = @_;
    my @s = split(//, $s);
    map {my $i = $_; my $c = $s[$i]; return $_ if 1 == grep {$c eq $_ } @s } 0 .. @s - 1;

    say index_first_unique(q/Perl Weekly Challenge/);
    say index_first_unique(q/Long Live Perl/);

Sample Run

$ perl perl/ch-1.pl


I use the small trick of return-ing early out of a map. Since we only want the first unique index there is no need to consider other characters in the string and we can do this short circuiting to bail early.

Part 2

You are given list of numbers, @n and an integer $i. Write a script to trim the given list when an element is less than or equal to the given integer.


use v5.36;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub trimmer{
    my($i) = @_;
    return sub{
        my($x) = @_;
        return $x if $x > $i;

sub trim_list_r{
    my($n, $trimmer, $trimmed) = @_;
    $trimmed = [] unless $trimmed;
    return @$trimmed if @$n == 0;
    my $x = pop @$n;
    $x = $trimmer->($x);
    unshift @$trimmed, $x if $x;
    trim_list_r($n, $trimmer, $trimmed);

sub trim_list{
    my($n, $i) = @_;
    my $trimmer = trimmer($i);
    return trim_list_r($n, $trimmer);

    my(@n, $i);
    $i = 3;
    @n = (1, 4, 2, 3, 5);
    say join(", ", trim_list(\@n, $i));
    $i = 4;
    @n = (9, 0, 6, 2, 3, 8, 5);
    say join(", ", trim_list(\@n, $i));

Sample Run

$ perl perl/ch-2.pl
4, 5
9, 6, 8, 5


After using map and grep in the first part this week's challenge I decided to try out something else for this problem. grep would certainly be a perfect fit for this! Instead, though, I do the following:

This works quite well, especially for something so intentionally over engineered. If you end up trying this yourself be careful with the size of the list used with the recursion. For processing long lists in this way you'll either need to set no warnings 'recusion or, preferably, goto __SUB__ in order to take advantage of Perl style tail recursion.


Challenge 180

posted at: 11:57 by: Adam Russell | path: /perl | permanent link to this entry