

The Weekly Challenge 113 (Prolog Solutions)

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given a positive integer $N and a digit $D. Write a script to check if $N can be represented as a sum of positive integers having $D at least once. If check passes print 1 otherwise 0.



contains([], _, []).
contains([H|T], Digit, [N|R]):-
    number_chars(H, C),
    number_chars(Digit, [D]),
    member(D, C),
    N = H,
    contains(T, Digit, R).
contains([H|T], Digit, Contains):-
    number_chars(H, C),
    number_chars(Digit, [D]),
    \+ member(D, C),
    contains(T, Digit, Contains).

represented(N, D):-
    findall(X, between(1, N, X), Numbers),
    contains(Numbers, D, Contains),
    sum_list(Contains, N).

    (((represented(25, 7), write(1)); write(0)), nl),
    (((represented(24, 7), write(1)); write(0)), nl),

Sample Run

$ gplc prolog/ch-1.p
$ prolog/ch-1


This is pretty straightforward Prolog. contains/3 is a list filter that gets the numbers from the list which contain Digit. After that is done we need only check to see if they sum to N. If represented/2 succeeds we print 1 and 0 otherwise.

Part 2

You are given a Binary Tree. Write a script to replace each node of the tree with the sum of all the remaining nodes.




edge(old, 1, 2).
edge(old, 2, 4).
edge(old, 4, 7).
edge(old, 1, 3).
edge(old, 3, 5).
edge(old, 3, 6).

dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, Vertex):-
    dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, Vertex, _).
dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, Vertex, VertexPrevious):-
     edge(GraphOld, Vertex, VertexNext),
     sum_remaining(GraphOld, Vertex, SumRemaining),
     dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, VertexNext, SumRemaining));
    sum_remaining(GraphOld, Vertex, SumRemaining),
    assertz(edge(GraphNew, VertexPrevious, SumRemaining)),
    findall(V, edge(GraphOld, _, V), VerticesOld),
    findall(V, edge(GraphNew, _, V), VerticesNew),
    length(VerticesOld, VOL),
    length(VerticesNew, VNL),
    VOL \== VNL,
    edge(GraphOld, Vertex, VertexNext),
    dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, VertexNext, SumRemaining).
dfs_replace(GraphOld, GraphNew, _, _):-
    findall(V, edge(GraphOld, _, V), VerticesOld),
    findall(V, edge(GraphNew, _, V), VerticesNew),
    length(VerticesOld, VOL),
    length(VerticesNew, VNL),
    VOL == VNL.

sum_remaining(GraphOld, Vertex, SumRemaining):-
    findall(V, edge(GraphOld, _, V), Vertices),
    delete([Root|Vertices], Vertex, RemainingVertices),
    sum_list(RemainingVertices, SumRemaining).

    dfs_replace(old, new, Root),

Sample Run

$ gplc prolog/ch-2.p
$ prolog/ch-2

% file: /home/adamcrussell/Projects/perlweeklychallenge-club/challenge-113/adam-russell/prolog/ch-2.prolog

edge(old, 1, 2).
edge(old, 2, 4).
edge(old, 4, 7).
edge(old, 1, 3).
edge(old, 3, 5).
edge(old, 3, 6).
edge(new, 27, 26).
edge(new, 26, 24).
edge(new, 24, 21).
edge(new, 27, 25).
edge(new, 25, 23).
edge(new, 25, 22).


There are several ways to represent trees and graphs in Prolog. Here I chose to store the edges in the Prolog database along with a label containing the graph name. old is the original tree and new is the one containing the updated values fort eh vertices.

The overal approach is the same as I did for the Perl solution to this problem.

If we did not have the check on the number of updated vertices then dfs_replace/3 would simply fail when the traversal was complete. As thise code is designed this should instead succeed when complete.


Challenge 112

Depth First Traversal

posted at: 15:32 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry