

The Weekly Challenge 161 (Prolog Solutions)

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

Output or return a list of all abecedarian words in the dictionary, sorted in decreasing order of length.


check_and_read(10, [] ,_):-
check_and_read(13, [], _):-
check_and_read(32, [], _):-
check_and_read(44, [], _):-
check_and_read(end_of_file, [], _):-
check_and_read(Char, [Char|Chars], Stream):-
    get_code(Stream, NextChar),
    check_and_read(NextChar, Chars, Stream).

read_data(Stream, []):-
read_data(Stream, [X|L]):-
    \+ at_end_of_stream(Stream),
    get_code(Stream, Char),
    check_and_read(Char, Chars, Stream),
    atom_codes(X, Chars),
    read_data(Stream, L).

abecedarian(Words, Abecedarian):-
    member(Word, Words),
    atom_chars(Word, Chars),
    sort(Chars, SortedChars),
    atom_chars(W, SortedChars),
    W = Word,
    Abecedarian = Word.

word_length(Word, LengthWord):-
    atom_chars(Word, Chars),
    length(Chars, Length),
    LengthWord = Length-Word. 

abecedarians(Words, Abecedarians):-
    findall(Abecedarian, abecedarian(Words, Abecedarian), A),
    maplist(word_length, A, AL), 
    keysort(AL, ALSorted),
    reverse(ALSorted, Abecedarians).

    open('dictionary', read, Stream),
    read_data(Stream, Dictionary),
    abecedarians(Dictionary, Abecedarians),
    write(Abecedarians), nl, 

Sample Run

$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-1.p --entry-goal main


Most of the code here is just for reading the provided dictionary of words. Once that is complete Prolog really shines. abecedarian/2 is the majority of the logic: if a word's characters when sorted and re-assembled are the original word then it is an Abecedarian.

abecedarians/2 is necessary only to fulfill the requirements of the problem specification which is that all Abecedarians be sorted by length and returned in descending order.


Challenge 161

posted at: 14:27 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry