

The Weekly Challenge 192 (Prolog Solutions)

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given a positive integer, $n. Write a script to find the binary flip.


bits(N, Bits):-
    bits(N, [], Bits).    
bits(0, Bits, Bits):-!.
bits(N, BitsAccum, Bits):-
    B is N /\ 1,
    N0 is N >> 1,
    bits(N0, [B|BitsAccum], Bits).

bits_reverse(B, RB):-
    Flipped is xor(B, 1),
    number_chars(Flipped, [RB]).

binary_flip(N, NBitsReversed):-
    bits(N, Bits), 
    maplist(bits_reverse, Bits, BitsReversed),
    number_chars(NBitsReversed, ['0','b'|BitsReversed]).

Sample Run

$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-2.p
| ?- binary_flip(5, BinaryFlip).

BinaryFlip = 2

| ?- binary_flip(4, BinaryFlip).

BinaryFlip = 3

| ?- binary_flip(6, BinaryFlip).

BinaryFlip = 1



I learned a slightly obscure bit (no pun intended!) of information about Prolog's handling of binary numbers this week. If you prepend '0','b' to a list of characters, or the ascii code equivalents to a list of codes, representing binary digits then number_chars/2 (or number_codes/2) will automatically convert to decimal.

The solution to the whole problem is:

Part 2

You are given a list of integers greater than or equal to zero, @list. Write a script to distribute the number so that each members are same. If you succeed then print the total moves otherwise print -1.



equal_distribution(ListIntegers, _):-
    length(ListIntegers, L),
    sum_list(ListIntegers, S),
    Average is S / L,
    F is floor(Average),
    C is ceiling(Average),
    F \== C,
equal_distribution(ListIntegers, ListEqualDistribution):-
    length(ListIntegers, L),
    sum_list(ListIntegers, S),
    Average is S / L,
    F is floor(Average),
    C is ceiling(Average),
    F == C,
    length(ListEqualDistribution, L),
    equal_distribution(ListIntegers, F, ListEqual),
    delete(ListEqual, F, ListEqualAverageDeleted),
    length(ListEqualAverageDeleted, ListEqualAverageDeletedLength),
    ((ListEqualAverageDeletedLength == 0,
      ListEqualDistribution = ListEqual);
    equal_distribution(ListEqual, ListEqualDistribution)), !.

distribute(Average, [X, Y], [S, T]):-
    X < Average,
    X < Y,
    S is X + 1,
    T is Y - 1,
    succ(Moves, M),
distribute(Average, [X, Y], [S, T]):-
    X > Average,
    X > Y,
    S is X - 1,
    T is Y + 1,
    succ(Moves, M),
distribute(Average, [X, Y], [S, T]):-
    ((X == Average; X == Y);
     (X < Average, X > Y)
    S = X,
    T = Y.    

equal_distribution([A, B|[]], Average, [X, Y|[]]):-
    maplist(distribute(Average),[[A, B]], [[X, Y]]).
equal_distribution(ListIntegers, Average, [X|T]):-
    append([A, B], RestIntegers, ListIntegers),
    maplist(distribute(Average),[[A, B]], [[X, Y]]),
    equal_distribution([Y|RestIntegers], Average, T).

main(ListIntegers, Moves):-
    (equal_distribution(ListIntegers, _), moves(Moves), !);
    Moves = -1.

Sample Run

$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-2.p
| ?- main([1, 0, 5], Moves).

Moves = 4

(1 ms) yes
| ?- main([0, 2, 0], Moves).

Moves = -1

| ?- main([0, 3, 0], Moves).

Moves = 2



The rules that must be followed are:

1) You can only move a value of '1' per move

2) You are only allowed to move a value of '1' to a direct neighbor/adjacent cell.

This code ended up being a little more complex than I had originally thought it would be. At the heart of the solution is what I consider a pretty nice application of maplist/3 to drive the distribution/3, which is the implementation of the given rules.

We need to track the number of moves taken, not just the final resulting list. Rather than track the moves using a variable passed to the various predicates handling the re-distribution it seemed a bit cleaner to me to instead not have so many variables and asserta/1 and retract/1 the updated number of moves.

I generally try and avoid the use of the disjunction (;)/2 with the exception of small cases where to use it would unnaturally increase the amount of code. In this problem there are several such small cases such as whether we set the number of Moves to -1 in the case of an impossible re-distribution or the condition for detecting that we are done re-distributing.


Challenge 192

posted at: 19:05 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry