

Count Sumofvaluacula

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1: Count Even Digits Number

You are given an array of positive integers, @ints. Write a script to find out how many integers have even number of digits.

The majory of the work can be done in a single line. Conveniently the tr function returns the number of characters effected by the command. For our purposes that means telling tr to delete all numerals. We then check if the number of numerals removed is even inside of a grep block. The number of matches is then returned. Note the one catch, in order to use tr we need to assign $_ to a temporary value, $x. Otherwise we would get an error Modification of a read-only value.

count even digits 1 ⟩≡

sub count_even_digits{
return 0 +
grep {
my $x = $_; $x =~ tr/[0-9]//d % 2 == 0
} @_;

Fragment referenced in 2.

The rest of the code just tests this function.

"perl/ch-1.pl" 2

preamble 3
count even digits 1
main 4

preamble 3 ⟩≡

use v5.38;

Fragment referenced in 2, 7.

main 4 ⟩≡

say count_even_digits 10, 1, 111, 24, 1000;
say count_even_digits 111, 1, 11111;
say count_even_digits 2, 8, 1024, 256;

Fragment referenced in 2.

Sample Run
$ perl perl/ch-1.pl 

Part 2: Sum of Values

You are given an array of integers, @int and an integer $k. Write a script to find the sum of values whose index binary representation has exactly $k number of 1-bit set.

First, let’s concern ourselves with counting set bits. Here we can re-use some code that we’ve used before. This is a pretty standard way to count bits. This procedure is to do a bitwise AND operation for the least significant bit and check if it is set. We then right shift and repeat until no bits remain. This code is actually a modification of code used in TWC 079!

count set bits 5 ⟩≡

sub count_bits{
my($x) = @_;
my $total_count_set_bit = 0;
my $b = $x & 1;
$total_count_set_bit++ if $b;
$x = $x >> 1;
return $total_count_set_bit;

Fragment referenced in 7.

With that necessary work taken care of we need to loop over the given array of integers and (1) check to see if the index contains the correct number of set bits and, if that is the case, add to the rolling sum. Finally, return the sum.

sum of value 6 ⟩≡

sub sum_of_values{
my $k = shift;
my(@n) = @_;
my $sum;
$sum += $_[$_] if count_bits($_) == $k;
} for 0 .. @n - 1;
return $sum;

Fragment referenced in 7.

The rest of the code drives some tests.

"perl/ch-2.pl" 7

preamble 3
count set bits 5
sum of value 6
main 8

main 8 ⟩≡

say sum_of_values 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 3;
say sum_of_values 2, 2, 5, 9, 11, 3;
say sum_of_values 0, 2, 5, 9, 11, 3;

Fragment referenced in 7.

Sample Run
$ perl perl/ch-2.pl 

posted at: 16:52 by: Adam Russell | path: /perl | permanent link to this entry