The Weekly Challenge 156 (Prolog Solutions)
The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.
Part 1
Write a script to generate the first 10 Pernicious Numbers.
pernicious(_) --> [].
pernicious(Seen) --> [X], x(Seen, X), {set_bits(X, Bits), fd_prime(Bits)}, pernicious([X|Seen]).
x(Seen, X) --> {between(1, 100, X), \+ member(X, Seen)}.
set_bits(N, X):-
set_bits(N, 0, X).
set_bits(0, X, X).
set_bits(N, X_Acc, X):-
B is N /\ 1,
X0 is X_Acc + B,
N0 is N >> 1,
set_bits(N0, X0, X), !.
Sample Run
$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-1.p
| ?- length(Pernicious, 10), phrase(pernicious([]), Pernicious).
Pernicious = [3,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14] ?
(115 ms) yes
| ?- phrase(pernicious([]), [3, 5, 6]).
true ?
(95 ms) yes
DCGs are great aren't they? The ability to have two modes, one to test and the other to create is a joy! The logic here is pretty straightforward and more or less follows straight fromt he definition.
Part 2
Write a script to compute the first 10 distinct Padovan Primes.
weird(_) --> [].
weird(Seen) --> [X], x(Seen, X), {
findall(F, factor(X, F), Factors), flatten([1, Factors], FlatFactors),
sum_list(FlatFactors, FactorSum),
FactorSum > X,
powerset(FlatFactors, FactorSets),
maplist(sum_list, FactorSets, FactorSetSums),
\+ member(X, FactorSetSums)
x(Seen, X) --> {between(1, 1000, X), \+ member(X, Seen)}.
powerset(X,Y):- bagof(S, subseq(S,X), Y).
subseq([], []).
subseq([], [_|_]).
subseq([X|Xs], [X|Ys] ):- subseq(Xs, Ys).
subseq([X|Xs], [_|Ys] ):- append(_, [X|Zs], Ys), subseq(Xs, Zs).
factor(N, Factors):-
S is round(sqrt(N)),
fd_domain(X, 2, S),
R #= N rem X,
R #= 0,
Q #= N // X,
Q #\= X,
fd_labeling([Q, X]),
Factors = [Q, X].
factor(N, Factors):-
S is round(sqrt(N)),
fd_domain(X, 2, S),
R #= N rem X,
R #= 0,
Q #= N // X,
Q #= X,
Factors = [Q].
Sample Run
$ gprolog --consult-file prolog/ch-2.p
| ?- phrase(weird([]), [70]).
true ?
| ?- length(Weird, 1), phrase(weird([]), Weird).
Weird = [70] ?
(4 ms) yes
This solution follows the same generate and test approach I used in the Perl Solution, as far as the testing of the powerset of divisors is concerned anyway. (I'll admit I was too lazy to write my own powerset code so I grabbed someone else's. See the references for a link to the source.)
In my ongoing attempts to improve my DCG skills I implemented this as a DCG which is a bit of overkill for this problem, but it is always nice to be able to generate the sequence as well as validate.
posted at: 18:26 by: Adam Russell | path: /prolog | permanent link to this entry